Bourne Scenic Park
2020 Reservation Schedule
By Phone Only
February 10th -. Temporary Seasonal Sites: If available (March 27th to October 25th) $900.00 Non-Refundable Deposit.
February 24th - Long-Term Off-Season Reservations: (March 27th to June 5th & August 28th to October 25th) $100.00 Non-Refundable Deposit.
Online Only
March 2nd- Peak Season Reservations: (June 5th to August 28th)
One Week Minimum - Two Week Maximum
All Electric & Non-Electric Reservations must be Friday to Friday in this time Frame & Lodges & Cabins Must be Saturday to Saturday.
March 9th - All Off Season Reservations:
(March 27th to June 5th & August 28th to October 25th)
(2 Day Minimum & 3 Day Minimum on Labor Day).
March 16th - Memorial Day Weekend Reservations:
(3 Day Minimum) May 22nd, 23rd & 24th.
March 23rd - Columbus Day Weekend Reservations:
(3 Day Minimum) October 9th, 10th & 11th.
Our Office will be open from:
8:a.m. to 12:p.m. Monday ~ Friday
in February & March. Please call if you are having any problems with the On-Line Booking process.
Reservations cannot be made any earlier
than the above indicated time frames.